John-Caleb “JC” Fletcher
Where you’re from / where you’ve lived
Born in Birmingham, AL. Have lived in California, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nevada, and of course Tennessee. Which I consider to be my true home.
How you got into improv
I saw an ad online for improv classes. Being new to town and, told I was funny all my life. I decided to learn the art through classes taught by various Improv Chattanooga members. I am a poster child for taking classes and then using those skills to join the troupe. I grew up watching Whose Line and our family would take us to local improv shows too. The want has always been there, the how was provided entirely by Improv Chattanooga.
What you love about improv
The freedom of expression. There is no limit besides what you can cook up in that mind of yours. The absolute accessibility as well. Young or old anyone can learn improv. The best part truly is how shareable and easy it is to build community with it. Improv is all about improving yourself and your team mates. No wonder it makes for such exciting community events!
What inspires you
My family. Some good some bad, all of it influential. Life if my ultimate guide in improv. The good, the bad, and the ugly makes me strive for the best scenes, the best characters, and honestly the biggest laughs. Bringing joy to an entire room of people through the gift of laughter is the best reward.
Non-improv related tidbit
I volunteered with and worked for the Boys and Girls Club of Minnesota for several years. It was life changing work, and I do owe a lot of who I am now to that experience. I surely taught those kids a lot, they definitely taught me more.