Where you’re from / where you’ve lived
Dalton, GA

How you got into improv
I moved to Chattanooga back in 2016. I later attended an Improv Chattanooga show down the block. That night, my life changed forever. I took every class they offered throughout 2017. I officially joined the troupe in 2018.

What you love about improv
Creating a cohesive narrative with very little to work with.
We have a game called “ABC Game”. The game is difficult when keeping with the rules and very quick. But when my scene partner and I can create a bombastic dramatic scene to conclusion while unconsciously starting the next line with the next letter of the alphabet… mmm, magic.

What inspires you
Improv inspires me to be weird and really own it. Some scenes will play out in a normal human scenario. As a challenge, I like to enter that scene as a talking lizard or a bubbly princess and make it work.
I rarely play myself in scenes and am always in character. These characters come from mixture of everyday life experiences + the archive of pop culture in my head. Every character I create embodies a trait borrowed from someone fact or fiction. As an actor, it’s important for me to create many characters to use a moment’s notice when the scene calls for them.

Non-improv related tidbit
In college, I modeled in the nude for drawing classes.