Elena Nikolaeva (Elena)
Where you’re from / where you’ve lived
From Bulgaria / lived in Chattanooga while in the US
How you got into improv
I got into improv right after college where I had tried theatre for the first time in my life, as I was very introverted in high school. During a Shakespeare workshop I met people who were involved in improv here in Chattanooga and it felt like what I wanted to try next in my theater journey.
What you love about improv
Oh so many things: The opportunities for: genuine connection with others & oneself, personal growth, being part of a community, and the pure joy & creativity.
What inspires you
Aside from movies, tv-shows, & watching other improvisors, I am always inspired by & interested in the exploration of how we connect & interact in relation to our emotions & needs. I love the sci-fi concept of alternate universes and the possibility of infinite ways in which our lives could differ based on small choices in seemingly insignificant moments. Our entire lives ARE improv, and while on stage, our scenes with our fellow actors can sometimes feel like an exploration of an alternate universe. There’s an important question for any actor to keep in mind when in a scripted or improvised scene: “What would the character I’m playing choose to do here?”, and I also often enjoy asking this other question:“What would I do in this situation?”, “How would this affect me and why does it matter on a personal level?”.
Non-improv related tidbit
I love to “improv cook” and I hate following recipes. This also makes me horrible at baking pastries & such treats, but wait till you taste my soups, stews, casseroles & other savory dishes.