Lucas Cato
Where you’re from / where you’ve lived
Vanleer, TN / Cookeville, TN / Chattanooga, TN
How you got into improv
I was at a point in life where I really needed a hobby. I previously did theater in high school and a little in college and I was getting the artistic “Itch” again. I knew I wanted to do something different, yet still be creative. It was a coin flip between improv and drum lessons. The coin landed on heads and here I am with no drum set.
What you love about improv
The fact that you and other people (could be friends, could be someone you just met) can build a story and a world that can feel fleshed out and complete out of thin air. In an added bonus, people that I have met because of improv definitely fall into the “Lifelong Friends” category.
What inspires you
My wife (who is also a member of Improv Chattanooga) inspires me and drives me in a lot of my scenes. I am always mixing in a situation we found ourselves in into a scene. Whether it’s a time we got pulled over by a LOUD State Trooper, or a something simple like a word or phrase we have been throwing around at home for the past few days, I know I can glance over at her and get at least one person laughing (or groaning) and that’s all I need to keep going.
Non-improv related tidbit
I love the board game Monopoly. I own 17 different versions of Monopoly. I have a group (including MY WIFE) that plays and the winner gets a championship belt (that I have held for the longest and the most times (HUMBLE BRAG))